Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Semuanya Tentang Kita kali ni tentang kenangan yang paling terindah, terbaik, terhebat, termanis, dan macam-macam lagi 'ter' yang baik-baik...
Hari Isnin lps adalah hari yang paling bersejarah bg sy sepanjang sy bernaung di bawah KRK...ya, Majlis Kenangan Budi & Apresiasi RK 2009...inilah majlis yg paling bermakna bg sy...bkn sbb sy pegang watak Saloma ketika persembahan tribute P. Ramlee & Saloma, tetapi, hasil daripada titik peluh Ayahnda sy yg tercinta, Cikgu Wazir dan juga Bonda-bonda sy, Cikgu Mazidah n' Ustazah Salimah...tanpa mereka, siapalah sy n' adik-beradik RK yang lain...Adik-beradik RK sy yng lain pun tidak kurang hebatnya...tanpa kerjasama mereka, mungkin majlis tak sehebat yang lalu...terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada mereka semua...I love you all...

Tiada perasaan duka yang ada semasa majlis berlangsung, hanya perassan gembira n' bahagia sahaja yang dapat dirasai...cuma, apabila majlis habis, perasaan risau timbul di hati sy...kenapa? Sbnrnya sy tak sanggup nak berpisah dengan mereka semua...walaupun sy tak mengeluarkan air mata, namun jauh di sudut hati, sy meraung n' menangis sekuat hati...kerana sy tak sanggup berpisah dengan tak sanggup...

Namun, sy pasti n' yakin, suatu haru nanti, kami dapat bersatu semula...Insya-Allah...

That's all that I can describe my feelings now...
Eh, wait! Next post, I will show you Tokio Hotel pics. and some of their song lyrics...huhuhuhu...bye-bye...chu ;3

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I'm starring at the broken door
There's nothing left here anymore
My room is cold
It's making me insane
I've been waiting here so long
But now the moment seems to've come
I see the dark clouds coming up again

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world
To the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm
Into the blue
And when I lose myself
I'll think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
Through the monsoon

A half moon's fading from my sight
I see your vision in it's light
But now it's gone and left me so alone
I know I have to find you now
Can hear your name
But don't know how
Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world
To the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm
Into the blue
And when I lose myself
I'll think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you 
Through the monsoon

I'm fighting all these powers
Coming in my way
Let it take me straight to you
I'll be running night and day
I'll be with you soon
Just me and you
We'll be there soon, so soon...

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world
To the end of time
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm
Into the blue
And when I lose myself
I'll think of you
Together we'll be running somewhere new
And nothing can hold me back from you 

Through the monsoon
Through the monsoon
Just me and you
Through the monsoon
Just me and you...

Amacam??? Heee...inilah lagu fav. sy, dari Tokio Hotel...
Biar sy perkenalkan ahli-ahli kumpulan Tokio Hotel...TADA!!!
1. Bill Kaulitz (Vocalist)
2. Tom Kaulitz (Lead guitarist)
3. Georg Listing (Bass guitarist)
4. Gustav Schafer (Drummer)

Heee...I will show you their pics. next, don't forget to check on my blog updates... nk lyn lgu-lgu Tokio Hotel...lalala...;3

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Heyyo...hee, sy dh lme x post berita baru..ok, sy nak cerita nie..Ptg smalam.....
Sy n' kwn-kwn 3RK (Syafareena, Amira n' Sharifah) g rmh Mama sgt2...kitorg mkn nai lauk ayam goreng ke bakar...x dpt dikenalpasti..heee...kitorg sume mkn nasi kecuali Syafareena..dia mkn mihun goreng je...dia kate dia dh kenyang..tgk2, dia g belek balang kuih raya Mama...heee...kenyang ke hapa tuu...x pe laa..lps mkn, kitorg amik gmbar dgn Mama. Nk tgk x pic kitorg?? Tgk kat cnie :-

Then, heeee, kitorg minta izin dgn Mama...nk amik gmbar kat are rmh Mama, t'msuk la kebun buah naga Mama...



Hee..k daa, tgk laa gmbar2 nk lyn lgu Yura Yura n' Kanashimi Wo Yasashisa Ni...lalala...bye2..;3

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Hee, sorry cuz dh lme x update blog..miggu lps smpi abis PMR sy agak bz ckit..ngee...
Haa, b'blik kat citer sy, nk tau nape sy happy sgt?? Sbbnyer : -
1. Smlm, sy tetiba je tringatkn kat org yg sy admire..dri abis cuti dlu smpi skrg..Mak kata, "Ko tu, asal org yg lalu dpn rmh pn ko kata dia..."hee, mak sbnrnya suka nyakat sy..kdg2 btul jgk apa yg mak yg sy admire tu, slalu bg drgn n' skgn kat sy..dialh yg bntu sy..mse Mid-Term Exam dlu, sy dpt kputusan Maths yg agak truk, tpi, dia yg sdg b'cuti sggup dtg rmh sy n' ajar n' bg nasihat kat sy..hee..hope 2 C n' hear from him again this holiday..
2. Smlm, jgk, sy g rmh Ika..sronok dtg sbb nk blaja sme2 dgn dia..lps blaja, dia ajak sy men game PS2 ..hee(tau2 je la, sy 'hantu' game..)..abg Ika, Haziq, blikn dia game Kingdom Hearts 2..(dia kirim dgn abgnya yg sporting...)..then, kitorg gilir2 men game 2 smbil d'prhatikn oleh adik Ika, Afiq..agak dh borink men game 2, Ika tukar CD, kitorg men game 'Gods of Guitars 2' plak..(x tau la btul ke x tjuk tu, tp nnti sy survey blek tjuk game 2, kay..)..memula, sy tjg je diorg men smbil bg cdgn kat diorg..mula-mula turn Ika, lps tu Afiq, (diorg x biasa men game 2 yg version bru, SO, asik 'failed' je..), tetiba je, Ika n' Afiq g joystick kat sy..mula-mula x nk men, ye la, sy bknnyer reti men game tu, len la klu suro sy men game Kingdom Hearts or FF's games..bru laju sy men, tp, game psl Band-band tu, sy x arif, dh org bg 2, kebas je la..(ikut dialog abg Sudin dlm Seniman Bujang Lapok)..nk x nk, men je, last2, sy yg jd rockstar, wlaupn x menang, tp, sy yg pling lme dpt b'tahan drpd Ika n' Afiq..terror kn sy??hee..tpi, maybe skrg diorg dh maju dri sy..x pe, abis PMR ni, sy suro jgk Abah sy bli PS2 n' PSP..bleh ajak Ika men game kat rmh sy..x de la asik men kat rmh Ika.., btul x??..
3. Td, sy n' Abah n' Mak g Kompleks PKNS..bli kuih raya..lps tu, g JJ Bkit sbnrnya nk g Alam Sentral, tp, Mak n' Abah x bg..kat JJ, Abah bli bju kemeja..Abah ckp, bju raya sy dh ada satu, ckup la, tp, sy  t'bli  lg satu bju raya ...hee..Abah wat x tau jee..tu yg amik tuu..skrg ni, Mak kat taska dpn, tgh msak-msak..mlm ni satu family b'buka kat sana..igt nk join men msak-msak, tp, Mak x bg ikut..isk...isk..x pe la, lgpn, pnat la suping td..mse kt rmh td, dpn tv, sy wat cari no fon Ika..igt nk kol dia, tp no dia ilang..jd, sy ngamuk la sorg2..Abah tnya, cari kata x de la, bngang tu ilang..klu, brg2 you all ilang, msti you all mrah kn?? Last-last, Abah bg modem kat sy, dia kata psang sndri..mula-mula, nk tunjuk prasaan lg, tp, tkut Abah amik blek modem tu, trus sy psang..sbb ni la sy dpt update blog ni...ngee

Kay nk knal Akatsuki lg n' blaja for next week exam papers..bye-bye! See ya!! ;3

Friday, August 28, 2009

Typical Day...T-T

Ari nie, sy kna blaja sorg2, Ika bz, Hafizah plak blek kpg..boring sgt2...nsib baik Minutemen tmnkn..hehe..Virgil, Zeke n' Charlie cute btol..ptg td, Ika msj, dia ajak on9, tp, tetiba smangat blaja dtg, SO, sy g tau dia sy nk blaja BM..akhirnya, abis jgk buku latihan yg mak blikn...syg mak..mmuah..heee...
Sok sy blek kpg, b'buka dgn family, mak n' mak cu nk wat kerabu pucuk paku (sedap woo..) n' mcm2 lg lah...lps tusyen, nk g Carrefour (btl ke sy eja??) sbb nk bli selipar, dh lme dh sy nk selipar 2, RM8 je..(senang nk men lecak, redah hutan, mndi sg dgn kroni2 (adq2 sdara) kat kpg..hehhehhhehh..)..lps 2, g rmh adq abah kat Shah Alam, n' trus blek rmh wan (sblh mak)..kat Pahang tuuu....heeeeeeeee
Hurm, ada lg, sok 29/8/09 kn?? SO, di kesempatan ini, sy ingin mngajak u all sume utk b'sme-sme pkai bj putih pd ari esok sbb esok ari yg paling best (sume ari best bg sy..heee...)..Heal The World..hehe....

Ok, sy nk lyn lgu Ai No Tameni smbl knal2 Akatsuki...hehe.."Ai no tameni, aru ite yukou..."lalala...Byeeeee! ;3

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



Ari ni mcm biasa, sy study kat rmh ckgu tusyen dgn Ika n' Hafizah, tp, ari ni, kitorg jd bdk nakal (Hafizah x join)..citernye mcm ni :
Pg td, lps g rmh Ika, kitorg blaja Geo, lps 2, kitorg (sy n' Ika) cadg2 nk men PS2..jd, sy ajak Ika blek rmh sy jap, nk amik pendrive dia (n' cd game RE:CVX n' FF12).., lps 2, kitorg blek rmh Ika n' smbg blaja. Lps abis blaja, kitorg men game..dh boring men game (x smpi 1 jam), Ika bwk A4 paper bnyk2 n' marker pen (gold, platinum, hitam n' merah). Kitorg wat nama2 'kitorg'...hehe, Ika dh hmpir 'psycho' mse 2, sronok sgt, asyik t'syum je, lps 2 t'sengih-sengih sorg2 (lps 2, dia wat sy jd 'psycho' mcm dia jgk..), then, tetiba, Tuan Rmh blek..kelam-kabut kitorg..nseb baik sy jd 'psychic', kmas 'karya2' kitorg (laju sgt2, hehe..). Tuan Rmh nk hntr CPU dia yg rosak ke Alam Sentral, Ika kna ikut, tp dia mls..Last2, kna g jgk..dia ajak sy tmnkn dia, tp, sy x dpt ikut, rmh x de cpe nk jga..Hafizah pn x tau nk ddk mne, SO, sy x jd ikut la...n' dh blek rmh sy, sy update blog ni...

K da, sy nk lyn lgu Lady Gaga...buhbuyyy..;3

Welcome to EMO WORLD!!!

Hurm, ari nie sy start posting my blog..
Pg td, blaja kat rmh Ika (anak Tuan Rumah), my best friend, td blaja Sci.., igtkn lps blaja Sci nk men game, tp, blum abis study lg, tetiba je Tuan Rumah (ckgu tusyenku) blek..adoii, batal niat, anaknya kempunan nak men game tp t'pksa batalkan hasratnya..
Lg 1, kitorg dh wat PMR Sci paper 1 n' 2 (thn lps pnye..huhu..), kitorg skor baik pnye markah, '93/100'..(pkai 2 otak, klu 1 otak, pndai2lh bhgi dua markahnye..)..kitorg plik, npe bebudak last year x rmai yg leh skor A dlm Sci..then, dgn muka tebal, sy ajak anak Tuan Rumah g rmh sy..
Nk tau x, dgn smangatnya, Ika smpi rmh sy..(sy n' kwn sy (hafizah) blom smpi lg..), dri jauh, kitorg nmpk si Ika amik surat jiran sblh sy (Ika syok kat anak jiran sy yg kedua)
ble dh masuk rumah, smpt lg dia intai intai budak tu..malangnya budak tu x muncul pun.. hancur hati!
tp, Ika nampak adikny! Ble masuk rumah, Ika tersengih jee..
SO, kitorg plan nak study Geo pulak, tp dah melencong ke tmpt lain..

OKlah, sy nk tgk Upik Abu dan Laura, Lucky 2 cute sgt2..hehehehehehehehe..
Buhbuyyyyyy! ;3